GIFT EXCHANGE | 2021-2022

May 2022

Your gift this month is the song, “Yet I Will Rejoice” from Habakkuk 3:17-18.

I thought it would be fun to introduce you to Danny Donnelly, who produced and played on this song, and share some behind-the-scenes of this recording.

April 2022

I was searching for songs to play on Palm Sunday. This song really touched me and I wanted to share it with you, in hopes that you might have a similar experience.

March 2022

Here is some of the story behind “Draw Me Near”:

This song was inspired by Psalm 43 and a quote from C.S. Lewis.

Psalm 43:5
Why are you in despair, O my soul?
And why have you become disturbed within me?
Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him
For the help of His presence.

“I know now, Lord, why you utter no answer. You are yourself the answer. Before your face questions die away. What other answer would suffice?” - C.S. Lewis

February 2022

I wrote this song after my mom passed away. When I went to bed at night, my thoughts were so hard and sleep was next to impossible.

It didn't take long to realize a sinister edge to the thoughts and images that came to mind.

Since it's pretty much impossible to try not to think of something, I began setting my mind on what I know is true.

I didn’t want this song to sound the least bit sad. You might say this is my fight song.

"Turn the page to the end of the story

Where deepest dreams are true

And revel in the glory

Coming soon and very soon."

January 2022

I recorded this song on my phone and used my little car guitar.

My car guitar is a ninety-nine dollar guitar I bought years ago to have on hand for long drives (when someone else was at the wheel).

I recently re-strung this little beauty. It seemed a fitting sound with the raindrops and cars in the distance.

December 2021

Here is living proof we really did record onto cassette tape! Oh, and that’s not a peace sign from Danny, that’s a take two. 🎬

November 2021

Your gift this month is a song I wrote while preparing for a Shelter to Shelter online gathering.

Then on a Sunday night, in the pouring rain, I recorded this song and video with my phone.

The verse is John 15:9. “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love.”

I have sometimes wondered if I need to be reminded of His love too often. Shouldn't I understand by now? After spending time with this verse, I realize in a brand new way that if I spend the rest of my life learning His love for me, I won't regret a minute of my life.

The overflow of growing in His love is loving Him more and loving others better.

I am hoping the words “abide in my love” get stuck in your head as they are stuck in mine.